Past Exhibition

Rifts of Absence

Yehudit Sasportas is one of the most important Israeli artists and represented the country at the 52nd Venice Biennale in 2007 with an installation for the Israeli Pavilion. She was born in Tel Aviv in 1969. Initially, Yehudit Sasportas studied at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. She then traveled to New York to continue her studies at the Sculpture Department of the Cooper Union School of Art there. In 1999, Yehudit Sasportas completed her education with a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Bezalel Academy and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The artist, who has held a teaching position at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem since 1993, lives and works in Berlin and Tel Aviv.
For a long time, Yehudit Sasportas has been concerned in her artistic work with developing her own seismographic code language for the visualization of sounds, thus representing an objectification and simultaneous anonymization of personal “expressions of life”.

Ink drawings and installations show landscapes far removed from the idyll of nature. Boggy forests, black lakes and withered tree trunks become mental landscapes. A recurring motif is the moor in its unfathomability, mysterious, uncanny. It is a symbol for the transition into another, metaphysical dimension. For the artist, her works are to be understood as a symbol of an existential situation, she creates in her works an energy field between movement and pause, tension and discharge, between the personal experience of the viewer and the objectively perceptible.

“The Israeli artist Yehudit Sasportas flees from routine. Meticulously she tries to uncover the unconscious. The viewer of her art also has to deal with the unusual and experiences radical sensory impressions.” (Cicero)

Yehudit Sasportas has participated in numerous national and international solo and group exhibitions, including the Israel Museum in Tel Aviv (Israel) (2013), the Herbert Gerisch Foundation in Neumünster (2010), the Kunstverein Braunschweig (2008), the Leonhardi Museum in Dresden (2005), the Berkley Museum of Art in San Francisco (USA) (2002), and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (Israel) (2000).

Numerous awards honor Yehudit Sasportas, such as the Israeli Ministry of Culture Award for Excellency in the Arts (2009), the Israeli Art Prize (1999), and the Robert Steinmann Prize for Sculpture (1993).